- Although the goal of increasing net income applies to the entire beef operation, this article will concentrate on the impact of sire selection decisions. Selecting the right bull for your operation is one of two practices available to improve the...Link: https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/questions-and-answers-gender-equality-strategy-2020-2025-2020-maerz-05_en
- More information on crossbreeding can be found on fact sheet When considering which bull to purchase, it helps to realize that as you take steps to improve one trait, you often lose ground with another. For example, selecting bulls that will...Link: https://teamdev.com/downloads/jexcel/docs/JExcel-PGuide.html
- The best means to determine the reproductive soundness of a bull is through a breeding soundness exam. If a bull passes this exam, he should have the physical capability to breed and settle cows. However, it is important to remember that this test is only valid for the day it was completed, so bulls should be retested each year or before each breeding season to ensure that they are still able to settle cows. This exam does not measure desire to breed libido , however, so bulls should be observed for their interest in females in heat. Many breeders will guarantee the reproductive soundness of the bull, so it may be helpful to know whether the sellers will provide this service, both in terms of capacity and desire to breed. Structural Soundness—To be an efficient breeder, a bull must be structurally sound. This means that it should move without pain or discomfort and should have appropriate angles at weight-bearing joints like the shoulder and hock.Link: https://nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-caribbeat-frontline-worker-law-student-20200517-qa2ejvq6h5dntihb2vtgfc7q2u-story.html
- There are too many traits to select for all at once, so it is important to choose those traits with the most economic importance for your scenario, and place the most selection emphasis on those metrics. It is also vital to consider the production environment when setting your breeding program goals. Make sure to also place selection emphasis on these traits during selection so that your cattle fit the amount of labor, feed, and environmental resources you have. Common examples of these types of traits are calving ease, milk production, and mature size.Link: https://6kbw.com/publications/articles/defence-disclosure-in-the-magistrates-court
- Bull Categories The following categories are guidelines for finding bulls that meet some of the common needs of beef producers. Depending on your goals and management, you may need to focus on a more unique suite of traits, but this is a good guide for getting started. To find out where a bull ranks in his breed, refer to the EPD Percentile Table from the respective breed association. Typically, easy-calving bulls do not express as much growth in their calves as terminal or lower CED sires. The purpose of this bull is to produce calves with exceptional feeder calf performance. Therefore, milk can be disregarded, and growth should be emphasized. Upper extremes should be avoided if the cow size is large and there is danger of producing carcasses that are heavier than the accepted standard.Link: https://accaglobal.com/lk/en/student/exam-support-resources/professional-exams-study-resources/p4/past-exam-papers.html
- Selecting bulls that rank between the 25 and 75 percent level in their breed for both growth and milking ability should achieve this goal as long as you keep in mind the level of nutritional resources available. Unfortunately, cow maintenance EPDs are not currently computed for all beef breeds, but they do exist for some breeds. Typically, cows that have smaller mature size and less milking ability have lower maintenance requirements. Therefore, even if maintenance EPDs are not available, selecting bulls with below-average growth and milk values should produce replacement females that will have lower maintenance requirements. The trade-off is that their siblings, which will be sold as feeder calves, will have less growth as well.Link: https://pdf.examtorrent.com/C-TS4FI-1709-Deutsch.pdf
- It is recommended to avoid the lowest extremes for either growth or milking ability. This is easily accomplished by selecting bulls that are in the upper third of their breed for both growth and milk. Feeder calves produced from this mating should exhibit good growth, and replacement females should have exceptional milking ability. The disadvantage is that replacement females produced from these bulls will be larger and have higher maintenance costs. If these cows do not receive adequate nutrition, they will lose body condition, and reduced reproduction rates will be observed. This option is not for everyone, and total herd performance should take precedence over individual calf performance.Link: https://khanacademy.org/computing/ap-computer-science-principles/x2d2f703b37b450a3:online-data-security
- A Carcass Merit bull may easily fit one of the above categories but would have the added ability to produce calves with exceptional carcass characteristics. The pricing scheme that the calves will be sold under will determine the level of emphasis to be placed on each trait. Also, remember that as you increase carcass weight, you also increase mature cow size of replacement females unless using a terminal sire. Conclusions Crossbreeding and bull selection have important long-term economic impact on your herd. Selecting the right bull for your operation is a decision that includes setting production goals, analyzing your resources and management, and locating the bull that best fits your situation.Link: https://fordhaminstitute.org/ohio/commentary/reducing-cheating-online-exams
- If done properly, this process can take considerable time and effort, but the financial and management rewards can be significant.Link: https://successcds.net/exams/wbjee-jenpas-pg.html
- Each year the majority of the students in her school fail the statewide tests. Kym follows school district teaching guides and typically uses direct instruction in her Language Arts and Social Studies classes. The classroom assessments are designed to mirror those on the statewide tests so the students become familiar with the assessment format. Second, she gives students choices in performance assessments e. Third, she encourages responsibility by asking students to assist in classroom tasks such as setting up video equipment, handing out papers etc. At the end of the year twice as many of her students pass the statewide test than the previous year. Kym still teaches sixth grade in the same school district and continues to modify the strategies described above. Kym gained a Ph. D and teaches Educational Psychology to preservice and inservice teachers in evening classes. First, choosing effective classroom assessments is related to instructional practices, beliefs about motivation, and the presence of statewide standardized testing.Link: https://studysite.org/Discuss/Question/electric_arc_furnace_is_employed_mainly_for_the_production_of___steel-171010558.htm
- Second, some teacher-made classroom assessments enhance student learning and motivation —some do not. Third, teachers can improve their teaching through action research. This involves identifying a problem e. Best practices in assessing student learning have undergone dramatic changes in the last 20 years. The test formats varied little and students always did them individually with pencil and paper. Many teachers, including mathematics teachers, now use a wide variety of methods to determine what their students have learned and also use this assessment information to modify their instruction. In this chapter, the focus is on using classroom assessments to improve student learning and we begin with some basic concepts.Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel7/6287639/9312710/09309291.pdf
- Evaluation is the process of making judgments about the assessment information Airasian, These judgments may be about individual students e. The primary focus in this chapter is on assessment for learning, where the priority is designing and using assessment strategies to enhance student learning and development. Assessment for learning is often referred to as formative assessment, i. Assessment of learning is formal assessment that involves assessing students in order to certify their competence and fulfill accountability mandates and is the primary focus of the next chapter on standardized tests but is also considered in this chapter.Link: https://nwexam.com/netapp/netapp-ns0-303-certification-exam-sample-questions-and-answers
- Assessment of learning is typically summative , that is, administered after the instruction is completed e. Summative assessments provide information about how well students mastered the material, whether students are ready for the next unit, and what grades should be given Airasian, Essential steps in assessment for learning include: Step 1: Having clear instructional goals and communicating them to students Teachers need to think carefully about the purposes of each lesson and unit.Link: https://practicepermittest.com/minnesota/minnesota-practice-permit-test-3/
- This may be hard for beginning teachers. Teachers must communicate the lesson goals and objectives to their students so they know what is important for them to learn. Step 2: Selecting appropriate assessment techniques Selecting and administrating assessment techniques that are appropriate for the goals of instruction as well as the developmental level of the students are crucial components of effective assessment for learning.Link: https://classmarker.com/online-test/start/?quiz=dgk5d7b7c0de72f1
- Teachers need to know the characteristics of a wide variety of classroom assessment techniques and how these techniques can be adapted for various content, skills, and student characteristics. They also should understand the role reliability, validity, and the absence of bias should play is choosing and using assessment techniques. Much of this chapter focuses on this information. However, the assessments are all multiple-choice tests that ask about facts and Samantha, who initially enjoys the classes and readings, becomes angry, loses confidence she can do well, and begins to spend less time on the class material. The type of feedback provided to students is also important and we elaborate on these ideas later in this chapter. Step 4: Adjusting instruction based on information An essential component of assessment for learning is that the teacher uses the information gained from assessment to adjust instruction. Adjustments also occur when the teacher reflects on the instruction after the lesson is over and is planning for the next day.Link: https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111004061830AAD4Bzq
- We provide examples of adjusting instruction in this chapter. Teachers communicate with parents in a variety of ways including newsletters, telephone conversations, email, school district websites and parent-teacher conferences. This requires a thorough knowledge of the types and purposes of teacher made and standardized assessments and well as clear communication skills.Link: https://acloud.guru/forums/gcp-certified-associate-cloud-engineer/discussion/-MLgYlnlfPGEY5XYh3d9/passed_gcp_certified_associate
- We now consider each step in the process of assessment for learning in more detail. In order to be able to select and administer appropriate assessment techniques teachers need to know about the variety of techniques that can be used as well as what factors ensure that the assessment techniques are high quality. We begin by considering high quality assessments. Selecting appropriate assessment techniques: high quality assessments For an assessment to be high quality it needs to have good validity and reliability as well as absence of bias. For example, is it appropriate to conclude that the results of a mathematics test on fractions given to recent immigrants accurately represents their understanding of fractions? Obviously, in each situation other interpretations are possible that the immigrant students have poor English skills rather than mathematics skills, or that Jasmine may be hearing impaired. It is important to understand that validity refers to the interpretation and uses made of the results of an assessment procedure not of the assessment procedure itself.Link: https://korona.kymsote.fi/en/kymsote-koronainfo-en/
- For example, making judgments about the results of the same test on fractions may be valid if all the students understand English well. A teacher, concluding from her observations that the kindergarten student has Attention Deficit Disorder ADD may be appropriate if the student has been screened for hearing and other disorders although the classification of a disorder like ADD cannot be made by one teacher. Validity involves making an overall judgment of the degree to which the interpretations and uses of the assessment results are justified.Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=J47uzv0CY1s
- Validity is a matter of degree e. Three sources of evidence are considered when assessing validity—content, construct and predictive. Content validity evidence is associated with the question: How well does the assessment include the content or tasks it is supposed to? For example, suppose your educational psychology instructor devises a mid-term test and tells you this includes chapters one to seven in the text book. Obviously, all the items in test should be based on the content from educational psychology, not your methods or cultural foundations classes. Also, the items in the test, should cover content from all seven chapters and not just chapters three to seven—unless the instructor tells you that these chapters have priority. It is important for teachers to think about content validation when devising assessment tasks and one way to help do this is to devise a Table of Specifications.Link: https://studyguidezone.com/mft.htm
- In the left-hand column is the instructional content for a item test the teacher has decided to construct with two kinds of instructional objectives: identification and uses or locates. The second and third columns identify the number of items for each content area and each instructional objective. Notice that the teacher has decided that six items should be devoted to the sub area of geographic representations- more than any other sub area.Link: https://dazn.com/en-ML/home/ArticleId:1dbx5e8ayz1zp18540wukvlin3
- Devising a table of specifications helps teachers determine if some content areas or concepts are over-sampled i. Construct validity evidence is more complex than content validity evidence. The focus may be on constructs such as mathematical reasoning or reading comprehension. A construct is a characteristic of a person we assume exists to help explain behavior. For example, we use the concept of test anxiety to explain why some individuals when taking a test have difficulty concentrating, have physiological reactions such as sweating, and perform poorly on tests but not in class assignments. Similarly, mathematics reasoning and reading comprehension are constructs as we use them to help explain performance on an assessment. Construct validation is the process of determining the extent to which performance on an assessment can be interpreted in terms of the intended constructs and is not influenced by factors irrelevant to the construct.Link: https://pinterest.com/sallyjavaddzm1293/english-reading/
- Similarly, construct validity of end-of-semester examinations is likely to be poor for those students who are highly anxious when taking major tests but not during regular class periods or when doing assignments. Teachers can help increase construct validity by trying to reduce factors that influence performance but are irrelevant to the construct being assessed. A third form of validity evidence is called criterion-related validity. Some K schools give students math or reading tests in the fall semester in order to predict which are likely to do well on the annual state tests administered in the spring semester and which students are unlikely to pass the tests and will need additional assistance.Link: https://oracle.com/it-infrastructure/
- Reliability is related to questions such as: How similar would the scores of the students be if they had taken the assessment on a Friday or Monday? Would the scores have varied if Mr Garcia had selected different test items, or if a different teacher had graded the test? An assessment provides information about students by using a specific measure of performance at one particular time. Unless the results from the assessment are reasonably consistent over different occasions, different raters, or different tasks in the same content domain confidence in the results will be low and so cannot be useful in improving student learning. Obviously, we cannot expect perfect consistency. Even trained raters vary somewhat when grading assessment such as essays, a science project, or an oral presentation. However, some assessments are more reliable than others and there are several strategies teachers can use to increase reliability First, assessments with more tasks or items typically have higher reliability.Link: https://ethericstudies.org/characteristic-test-for-evp/
- To understand this, consider two tests one with five items and one with 50 items. Chance factors influence the shorter test more then the longer test. If a student does not understand one of the items in the first test the total score is very highly influenced it would be reduced by 20 per cent. In contrast, if there was one item in the test with 50 items that were confusing, the total score would be influenced much less by only 2 percent. Obviously, this does not mean that assessments should be inordinately long, but, on average, enough tasks should be included to reduce the influence of chance variations. Second, clear directions and tasks help increase reliability. If the directions or wording of specific tasks or items are unclear, then students have to guess what they mean undermining the accuracy of their results.Link: https://larsoncalculus.com/calc11/wp-content/uploads/exam_prep_solutions/Calc11e_AP%20Exam%20Prep%20Solutions_Ch%2009_WEB.pdf
- Absence of bias Bias occurs in assessment when there are components in the assessment method or the administration of the assessment that distort the performance of the student because of their personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, or social class Popham, Two types of assessment bias are important: offensiveness and unfair penalization. An assessment is most likely to be offensive to a subgroup of students when negative stereotypes are included in the test. For example, the assessment in a health class could include items, in which all the doctors were men and all the nurses were women. Or, a series of questions in a social studies class could portray Latinos and Asians as immigrants rather than native born Americans. In these examples, some female, Latino or Asian students are likely to be offended by the stereotypes and this can distract them from performing well on the assessment.Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Questionnaire
- Unfair penalization occurs when items disadvantage one group not because they may be offensive but because of differential background experiences. For example, an item for math assessment that assumes knowledge of a particular sport may disadvantage groups not as familiar with that sport e. American football for recent immigrants. Or an assessment on team work that asks students to model their concept of a team on a symphony orchestra is likely to be easier for those students who have attended orchestra performances—probably students from affluent families. Unfair penalization does not occur just because some students do poorly in class. For example, asking questions about a specific sport in a physical education class when information on that sport had been discussed in class is not unfair penalization as long as the questions do not require knowledge beyond that taught in class that some groups are less likely to have.Link: https://test-guide.com/free-pcat-practice-tests.html
- It can be difficult for new teachers teaching in multi-ethnic classrooms to devise interesting assessments that do not penalize any groups of students. Listening carefully to what students say is important as is learning about the backgrounds of the students. Selecting appropriate assessment techniques II: types of teacher-made assessments One of the challenges for beginning teachers is to select and use appropriate assessment techniques. In this section, we summarize the wide variety of types of assessments that classroom teachers use.Link: https://mrdconsulting.ca/courses/otl-agent-license-practice-exam-package/
Monday, May 24, 2021
The Lowest Animal Selection Test Answers
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