- These texts usually contain factual information. For example, advertisement for a restaurant or sports centre facilities. Section 2: It may consist of two texts of more complex language than Section 1. These texts are based on 'workplace survival'....Link: https://marcocasucci.it/transformer-burn-out.html
- These question types differ in order to assess your reading skills. Question Type 1 — Multiple Choice You will be given a part of the sentence and will be asked to complete it. Or a complete question will be provided for which you are supposed...Link: https://bridgespan.org/insights/library/hiring/nonprofit-hiring-toolkit/conducting-successful-interviews/sample-interview-questions
- You must match the heading to the correct paragraph. You need to write appropriate Roman numerals in the box on the answer sheet. The number of headings will always be more than the number of paragraphs. Skills Assessed Ability to recognise the main idea or theme of a particular paragraph Question Type 6 — Matching Features In this question type, you need to match a set of statements or a piece of information to the list of options given. The options are group of features from the passage. For example, you need to match different events to historical periods. It might be possible that some options will not be used while some may be used more than once. Skills Assessed Ability to determine relationships and connections between facts Question Type 7 — Match Sentence Endings First half of the sentence will be provided. You need to complete the sentence by choosing the best from a list of possible options. The number of options will be more than the number of sentences. The questions are in the same order as the information appear in the text.Link: https://virtualanticoagulationacademy.virtualevent.it/orchid-deep-notebook/algebra-2-unit-3-polynomial-review-answer-key.html
- Skills Assessed Ability to understand the main idea within the sentence Question Type 8 — Sentence Completion In this question type, you are asked to complete the sentence with specific number of words. The instructions give you a clear idea about the number of words you need to write. Read the instructions carefully before noting down your answers. If you write more than required words, you will lose marks. Skills Assessed Ability to locate specific information from the passage Question Type 9 — Summary, Note, Table, Flowchart Completion In this question type, you need to fill in the gap in the summary, note, table or flowchart in context to the passage. You either have to select your answer from a list of options or choose words from the passage. It is not necessary that the answers appear in the same order as given in the passage.Link: https://jetnet.jccmi.edu/pluginfile.php/1191301/mod_forum/attachment/2623532/DHY213.l1.WN2021.pdf?forcedownload=1
- Skills Assessed Ability to identify the main idea of the passage and the type of words that fits into the gap Question Type 10 — Diagram Label Completion A labelled diagram with respect to the description in the text will be given. You are supposed to complete those labels. The diagram may be some type of machine, parts of building or other objects that can be easily represented pictorially. Skills Assessed Ability to relate the information in the text to the labels in the diagram Question Type 11 — Short-Answer Questions In this question type, you need to answer questions regarding the details mentioned in the passage.Link: https://zigwheels.ae/new-cars/toyota/fj-cruiser/gxr
- The details mainly relate to some factual information. Skills Assessed Ability to understand and locate the information given in the passage General Tips.Link: https://tutorialspoint.com/tex_commands/cases.htm
- This is a targeted post for General Training candidates who have major difficulties in finding and understanding Reading Answers. This post can guide you the best to understand every Reading answer easily and without much difficulty. Keywords for this question: fill in, application form, The answer is found at the end of the first paragraph. Keywords for this question: photocopies, acceptable, some circumstances, The answer is found in lines of the second paragraph. Keywords for this question: incomplete application, affect, processing time, Paragraph no. Keywords for this question: passport photos, in colour, Paragraph no. Keywords for this question: witness, must have, passport, We can find the answer in paragraph no. Keywords for this question: applicant, must, sign, back of, photos, The answer is in the last lines of the final paragraph. Most of the time, the answer is there for you containing some synonymous words, which have a match with the lists of headings.Link: https://parade.com/265418/marilynvossavant/whats-the-best-way-to-guess-on-a-multiple-choice-test/
- If you cannot find the answers in the first and last few lines, you may need to check the middle of the paragraphs. This we did in other tests too. Question 8: Section A The first line gives us the answer. So, the answer is: ii Question 9: Section B Section B details the services provided for tourists who seek help with travel affairs. Shuttle buses into the city centre are provided at a competitive price. The airport pharmacy is located. Look at the 2nd and 4th lines. So the answer is: ix Question Section F Again, the last part of section F provides us with the answer. Details of all arrivals and departures are displayed on the monitors located in the terminal halls and lounge areas. These are located adjacent. Keywords for this question: young British, purpose, gap year, The answer is in the first few lines of the first paragraph. This is why some school leavers in Britain now consider a year out to be essential.Link: https://arec.alabama.gov/arec/(X(1)S(veryxeohfrpxt1szh4k3nt5i))/pages/media/publications/briefly_legal.aspx
- Keywords for this question: Shooting Star, finds, employment, young people, catering The answer is in the second paragraph. We offer school leavers the chance for outdoor adventure, to teach things like sailing and snowboarding. Keywords for this question: training, expensive In paragraph no. In paragraph no. But we cannot find any reference as to whether the training is expensive or cheap. In your year out you train, travel and work; you can combine work with pleasure and reap the rewards. So, the answer is: TRUE Question New trainees who want work experience should check out vacancies before they depart.Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=r_EKnuZI6gI
- Keywords for this question: new trainees, work experience, check out, vacancies, before depart In the bullet point section, look at bullet no. You can be flexible with travel plans but you must research job opportunities in advance. Keywords for this question: helps with, travel arrangements Again, in the bullet point section, look at bullet no. These are your responsibility. This question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time if you are not very good in speed reading. You should always quickly read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially.Link: http://archive.calbar.ca.gov/archive/calbar/2cbj/00sep/form.htm
- So, the answer is: C made the process unworkable Question Nobel found that adding sawdust and paper Keywords for this answer: adding sawdust and paper, Again, the answer is in paragraph no. Look closely at lines So, the process actually did no work. So, the answer is: F increased the flammability of the mixture Question Nobel found that adding brick dust Keywords for this answer: adding, brick dust, Once more, the answer is in paragraph no. Look carefully at the last lines. However, the brick dust reduced the explosive power of the product, and so was also found to be unsatisfactory. So, the answer is: A decreased the energy of the explosion Question Nobel found that mixing nitroglycerine with packaging Keywords for this answer: mixing, nitroglycerine, packaging We can find the answer in lines of paragraph no. This solid retained the explosive power of the liquid, but was entirely safe and reliable. So, the answer is: E made the process safer Questions Matching list of options with statements The rules for finding answers to this sort of question are simple.Link: https://qualitydumps.com/blockchain/cbde-exam-dumps/
- Just find the keywords and read around it carefully. Then, give a quick look to check whether there is another statement provided in the text. If there is, check the reference carefully and decide your answer. Remember, the questions may not follow any sequential order. Question He recognized the significance of an unexpected result. Keywords for this answer: recognized, significance, unexpected result, As far as Daguerre was concerned, we find no exact synonyms, but it can be easily understood from the lines in paragraph no. So, the answer is: A true of both Daguerre and Nobel Question He depended on the help of colleagues to solve a problem.Link: https://glassdoor.com/Reviews/Karma-Automotive-Reviews-E960997.htm
- Keywords for this answer: depended, help, colleagues, solve a problem, We do not find any reference for any of the scientists about whether they got help from their colleagues. So, the answer is: B true of neither Daguerre nor Nobel Question He used different methods to find a solution to the problem. Keywords for this answer: used, different methods, In paragraph no. We do not find it for Daguerre. So, the answer is: C true of only one of them Question He was encouraged to do this research by his government. Keywords for this answer: encouraged, by his government, Again, we do not find any reference for any of the scientists on whether they were encouraged by their governments.Link: https://researchgate.net/topic/Gestational-Diabetes
- So, the answer is: B true of neither Daguerre nor Nobel Question He received an award in recognition of his scientific work. Keywords for this answer: received, award, The answer lies in paragraph no. Keywords for this answer: worked for a long time, keeping process under control, The answer is in paragraph no. Look at the lines no. To his amazement, when he removed the plate several days later, Daguerre found a strong image on its surface. We cannot find this information for Nobel. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords form the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers for fill in the gaps. To his great surprise the image then became much clearer when it was stored in a cupboard. The answer lies in the last lines of the second paragraph. After adding a silver coating to the plate and exposing it to iodine vapour,he found that the photographic image was improved but still very weak.Link: https://redhat.com/sysadmin/lamp-server
- It was some spilt mercury that had produced the effect. Keywords for this answer: collodion, alcohol, not responsible, removal, did not affect, quality, image, In paragraph no. So, the answer is: chemicals.Link: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080821185236AAsKFQ4
- This is a targeted post for General Training candidates who have major difficulties in finding and understanding Reading Answers. This post can guide you the best to understand every Reading answer easily and without much difficulty. Keywords for this question: fill in, application form, The answer is found at the end of the first paragraph. Keywords for this question: photocopies, acceptable, some circumstances, The answer is found in lines of the second paragraph. Keywords for this question: incomplete application, affect, processing time, Paragraph no. Keywords for this question: passport photos, in colour, Paragraph no. Keywords for this question: witness, must have, passport, We can find the answer in paragraph no.Link: https://isbtweb.org/fileadmin/user_upload/2_Raos_ISBT_Immunohematology_WP_Case_Study_1_FINAL.pdf
- Keywords for this question: applicant, must, sign, back of, photos, The answer is in the last lines of the final paragraph. Most of the time, the answer is there for you containing some synonymous words, which have a match with the lists of headings. If you cannot find the answers in the first and last few lines, you may need to check the middle of the paragraphs. This we did in other tests too. Question 8: Section A The first line gives us the answer. So, the answer is: ii Question 9: Section B Section B details the services provided for tourists who seek help with travel affairs. Shuttle buses into the city centre are provided at a competitive price. The airport pharmacy is located. Look at the 2nd and 4th lines. So the answer is: ix Question Section F Again, the last part of section F provides us with the answer.Link: https://braindumps.com/VMWCBP.htm
- Details of all arrivals and departures are displayed on the monitors located in the terminal halls and lounge areas. These are located adjacent. Keywords for this question: young British, purpose, gap year, The answer is in the first few lines of the first paragraph. This is why some school leavers in Britain now consider a year out to be essential. Keywords for this question: Shooting Star, finds, employment, young people, catering The answer is in the second paragraph. We offer school leavers the chance for outdoor adventure, to teach things like sailing and snowboarding. Keywords for this question: training, expensive In paragraph no. In paragraph no. But we cannot find any reference as to whether the training is expensive or cheap.Link: https://dws.net.au/risk-assessment/
- In your year out you train, travel and work; you can combine work with pleasure and reap the rewards. So, the answer is: TRUE Question New trainees who want work experience should check out vacancies before they depart. Keywords for this question: new trainees, work experience, check out, vacancies, before depart In the bullet point section, look at bullet no. You can be flexible with travel plans but you must research job opportunities in advance. Keywords for this question: helps with, travel arrangements Again, in the bullet point section, look at bullet no. These are your responsibility. This question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time if you are not very good in speed reading. You should always quickly read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. If you find the answers, you need not read the middle part.Link: http://cjf.miotelloimpianti.it/bwv-997-pdf.html
- So, the answer is: H Question the information you may need to provide Keywords for this question: information, need to provide, The answer can be found in section C. So, the answer is: C Question being honest with the interviewer Keywords for this answer: being honest This answer can also be found in section G.Link: https://coursehero.com/file/p7jg32g3/Test-the-following-hypotheses-a-The-capital-elasticity-of-output-and-labor/
- So, the answer is: G Question being punctual Keywords for this answer: punctual This answer can be found in section D in the first lines. So, the answer is: D …………………………………………………….. Candidates need to check the keywords from the question parts and try to match those keywords with the information given in the passage. Firstly, he experimented with adding chemicals to nitroglycerine, but because the chemicals required huge amounts of resources and energy to wash out, this process was considered to be impractical. So, the answer is: C made the process unworkable Question Nobel found that adding sawdust and paper Keywords for this answer: adding sawdust and paper, Again, the answer is in paragraph no. Look closely at lines So, the process actually did no work. So, the answer is: F increased the flammability of the mixture Question Nobel found that adding brick dust Keywords for this answer: adding, brick dust, Once more, the answer is in paragraph no.Link: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sci.energy/Qgyiq8tVNsA
- Look carefully at the last lines. However, the brick dust reduced the explosive power of the product, and so was also found to be unsatisfactory. So, the answer is: A decreased the energy of the explosion Question Nobel found that mixing nitroglycerine with packaging Keywords for this answer: mixing, nitroglycerine, packaging We can find the answer in lines of paragraph no.Link: https://arcadia.edu/university/offices-facilities/office-sexual-and-gender-based-violence-prevention-education
- This solid retained the explosive power of the liquid, but was entirely safe and reliable. So, the answer is: E made the process safer Questions Matching list of options with statements The rules for finding answers to this sort of question are simple. Just find the keywords and read around it carefully. Then, give a quick look to check whether there is another statement provided in the text. If there is, check the reference carefully and decide your answer. Remember, the questions may not follow any sequential order. Question He recognized the significance of an unexpected result. Keywords for this answer: recognized, significance, unexpected result, As far as Daguerre was concerned, we find no exact synonyms, but it can be easily understood from the lines in paragraph no. So, the answer is: A true of both Daguerre and Nobel Question He depended on the help of colleagues to solve a problem.Link: http://vqw6hgy.20m.com/onlinc/femaics1038.html
Monday, May 24, 2021
General Training Reading Test B Answers
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