Sunday, May 23, 2021

Data Structure Exam Questions And Answers Pdf

  • Void pointer is capable of storing pointer to any type as it is a generic pointer type. Minimum number of queues needed to implement the priority queue? One queue is used for actual storing of data and another for storing priorities. What is the...

  • MCQ Sorting algorithms in data structures. Data Structure Online Test. Go To Download Page Close. Data Structures MCQ free download for freshers experienced. Explanation are given for understanding. Data Structure multiple choice questions and...
  • Mainly, data types are of two types — Derived data type and built in data type Q3: What are the basic operations of data? A3: Basic operations of data include Sorting.
  • In a circular queue the value of r will be.. Which of the following statement is true? A i An empty tree is also a binary tree. Which of the following is true about the characteristics of abstract data types? Operation and deletion of item form the stack, when stack is not empty is called ……….. Is a pile in which items are added at one end and removed from the other. None of the above In ……………, search start at the beginning of the list and check every element in the list. State True or False. A graph is said to be ……………… if the vertices can be split into two sets V1 and V2 such there are no edges between two vertices of V1 or two vertices of V2. But disadvantage in that is they are sequential lists. And line segments called arcs or ……….. A ……….. State true or false. Is a directed tree in which outdegree of each node is less than or equal to two. Which of the following statement is false? Arrays are dense lists and static data structure.
  • Data elements in linked list need not be stored in adjacent space in memory C. Pointers store the next data element of a list. Linked lists are collection of the nodes that contain information part and next pointer. Linear arrays are also called ………………. A …………………… does not keep track of address of every element in the list. B For the size of the structure and the data in the structure are constantly changing C For both of above situation D For none of the above Which of the following data structures are indexed structures? Each node in a linked list has two pairs of ………….. Which of the following data structure is not linear data structure? The disadvantage in using a circular linked list is …………………….
  • A It is possible to get into infinite loop. B Last node points to first node. Its urgent send PDF in my email… Sir can u plz send me notes on all subjects in computer science and mcqs of them. Urgently i need bcoz of drdo exam are near. I shall be very thankfull please sir its a request.
  • In a circular queue the value of r will be.. Which of the following statement is true? A i An empty tree is also a binary tree. Which of the following is true about the characteristics of abstract data types? Operation and deletion of item form the stack, when stack is not empty is called ……….. Is a pile in which items are added at one end and removed from the other. None of the above In ……………, search start at the beginning of the list and check every element in the list. State True or False. A graph is said to be ……………… if the vertices can be split into two sets V1 and V2 such there are no edges between two vertices of V1 or two vertices of V2. But disadvantage in that is they are sequential lists. And line segments called arcs or ……….. A ……….. State true or false. Is a directed tree in which outdegree of each node is less than or equal to two. Which of the following statement is false?
  • Arrays are dense lists and static data structure. Data elements in linked list need not be stored in adjacent space in memory C. Pointers store the next data element of a list. Linked lists are collection of the nodes that contain information part and next pointer. Linear arrays are also called ………………. A …………………… does not keep track of address of every element in the list. B For the size of the structure and the data in the structure are constantly changing C For both of above situation D For none of the above Which of the following data structures are indexed structures?
  • Each node in a linked list has two pairs of ………….. Which of the following data structure is not linear data structure? The disadvantage in using a circular linked list is ……………………. A It is possible to get into infinite loop. B Last node points to first node. Its urgent send PDF in my email… Sir can u plz send me notes on all subjects in computer science and mcqs of them. Urgently i need bcoz of drdo exam are near.
  • When does top value of the stack changes? Arrays are best data structures A for relatively permanent collections of data B for the size of the structure and the data in the structure are constantly changing C for both of above situation D for none of above situation Which of the following data structure is not linear data structure? The disadvantage in using a circular linked list is ……………………. A It is possible to get into infinite loop. B Last node points to first node. C Time consuming D Requires more memory space A linear list in which each node has pointers to point to the predecessor and successors nodes is called as..
  • Data structure refers to the way data is organized and manipulated. It seeks to find ways to make data access more efficient. When dealing with the data structure, we not only focus on one piece of data but the different set of data and how they can relate to one another in an organized manner. The key difference between both the data structure is the memory area that is being accessed. When dealing with the structure that resides the main memory of the computer system, this is referred to as storage structure. When dealing with an auxiliary structure, we refer to it as file structures. A binary search is an algorithm that is best applied to search a list when the elements are already in order or sorted. The list is searched starting in the middle, such that if that middle value is not the target search key, it will check to see if it will continue the search on the lower half of the list or the higher half.
  • The split and search will then continue in the same manner. A linked list is a sequence of nodes in which each node is connected to the node following it. This forms a chain-like link for data storage. To reference all the elements in a one -dimension array, you need to use an indexed loop, So that, the counter runs from 0 to the array size minus one. In this manner, You can reference all the elements in sequence by using the loop counter as the array subscript. Data structures are essential in almost every aspect where data is involved. In general, algorithms that involve efficient data structure is applied in the following areas: numerical analysis, operating system , A. It refers how data is accessed, stored and retrieved. Using this scheme, data that was stored last should be the one to be extracted first. This also means that in order to gain access to the first data, all the other data that was stored before this first data must first be retrieved and extracted.
  • A queue is a data structure that can simulate a list or stream of data. In this structure, new elements are inserted at one end, and existing elements are removed from the other end. A binary tree is one type of data structure that has two nodes, a left node, and a right node. In programming, binary trees are an extension of the linked list structures.
  • Recursion, is a function that calls itself based on a terminating condition, makes use of the stack. Using LIFO, a call to a recursive function saves the return address so that it knows how to return to the calling function after the call terminates. A stack is a data structure in which only the top element can be accessed. As data is stored in the stack, each data is pushed downward, leaving the most recently added data on top.
  • Moreover, both subtrees are also binary search trees. Multidimensional arrays make use of multiple indexes to store data. It is useful when storing data that cannot be represented using single dimensional indexing, such as data representation in a board game, tables with data stored in more than one column. It depends on where you intend to apply linked lists. If you based it on storage, a linked list is considered non-linear.
  • On the other hand, if you based it on access strategies, then a linked list is considered linear. Apart from being able to store simple structured data types, dynamic memory allocation can combine separately allocated structured blocks to form composite structures that expand and contract as needed. Data has been inserted into the queue list the longest is the one that is removed first.
  • Merge sort, is a divide-and-conquer approach for sorting the data. In a sequence of data, adjacent ones are merged and sorted to create bigger sorted lists. These sorted lists are then merged again to form an even bigger sorted list, which continues until you have one single sorted list. A variable that is given a Null value indicates an empty value. The void is used to identify pointers as having no initial size. A linked list is an ideal data structure because it can be modified easily. This means that editing a linked list works regardless of how many elements are in the list. Pushing and popping applies to the way data is stored and retrieved in a stack. On the other hand, a pop denotes data retrieval, and in particular, refers to the topmost data being accessed. A linear search refers to the way a target key is being searched in a sequential data structure.
  • In this method, each element in the list is checked and compared against the target key. The process is repeated until found or if the end of the file has been reached. The amount of memory to be allocated or reserved would depend on the data type of the variable being declared. For example, if a variable is declared to be of integer type, then 32 bits of memory storage will be reserved for that variable. The heap is more flexible than the stack. However, the memory of the heap can at times be slower when compared to that stack. A postfix expression is an expression in which each operator follows its operands. The advantage of this form is that there is no need to group sub-expressions in parentheses or to consider operator precedence. Data abstraction is a powerful tool for breaking down complex data problems into manageable chunks.
  • This is applied by initially specifying the data objects involved and the operations to be performed on these data objects without being overly concerned with how the data objects will be represented and stored in memory. Assuming that the data to be inserted is a unique value that is, not an existing entry in the tree , check first if the tree is empty. The selection sort is a fairly intuitive sorting algorithm, though not necessarily efficient. In this process, the smallest element is first located and switched with the element at subscript zero, thereby placing the smallest element in the first position. The smallest element remaining in the subarray is then located next to subscripts 1 through n-1 and switched with the element at subscript 1, thereby placing the second smallest element in the second position.
  • The steps are repeated in the same manner till the last element. In the case of signed numbers, the first bit is used to indicate whether positive or negative, which leaves you with one bit short. With unsigned numbers, you have all bits available for that number. A binary tree can have a minimum of zero nodes, which occurs when the nodes have NULL values. Furthermore, a binary tree can also have 1 or 2 nodes. Dynamic data structures are structures that expand and contract as a program runs. It provides a flexible means of manipulating data because it can adjust according to the size of the data. Pointers that are used in linked list have various applications in the data structure. Most declarations do, with the exemption of pointers. Pointer declaration does not allocate memory for data, but for the address of the pointer variable. Actual memory allocation for the data comes during run-time. When dealing with arrays, data is stored and retrieved using an index that refers to the element number in the data sequence.
  • This means that data can be accessed in any order. In programming, an array is declared as a variable having a number of indexed elements. The minimum number of queues needed in this case is two. One queue is intended for sorting priorities while the other queue is used for actual storage of data. There are many types of sorting algorithms: quick sort, bubble sort, balloon sort, radix sort, merge sort, etc. Not one can be considered the fastest because each algorithm is designed for a particular data structure and data set.
  • It would depend on the data set that you would want to sort. Stack follows a LIFO pattern. It means that data access follows a sequence wherein the last data to be stored when the first one to be extracted. Arrays, on the other hand, does not follow a particular order and instead can be accessed by referring to the indexed element within the array.
  • A dequeue is a double-ended queue. This is a structure wherein elements can be inserted or removed from either end. A bubble sort is one sorting technique that can be applied to data structures such as an array. It works by comparing adjacent elements and exchanges their values if they are out of order. A linked list typically has two parts: the head and the tail.
  • Between the head and tail lie the actual nodes. All these nodes are linked sequentially. Selection sort works by picking the smallest number from the list and placing it at the front. This process is repeated for the second position towards the end of the list. It is the simplest sort algorithm. A graph is one type of data structure that contains a set of ordered pairs. These ordered pairs are also referred to as edges or arcs and are used to connect nodes where data can be stored and retrieved. The linear data structure is a structure wherein data elements are adjacent to each other. Examples of linear data structure include arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues. On the other hand, a non-linear data structure is a structure wherein each data element can connect to more than two adjacent data elements. Examples of nonlinear data structure include trees and graphs. An AVL tree is a type of binary search tree that is always in a state of partially balanced.
  • The balance is measured as a difference between the heights of the subtrees from the root. This self-balancing tree was known to be the first data structure to be designed as such.
  • Since data structures are core programming concepts, it's mandatory for all programmers, to know basic data structures like the stack, linked list, queue, array, tree, and graph. Though trees and graphs are on the tougher side, I still see programmers get familiar will all these. Any list of programming job interview questions is incomplete without questions from data structures and algorithms. Similarly, while going on questions from data structure you may get some programming exercise as well e. The li nked list and array are favorite topics in any data structure interview, questions like reversing a linked list, traversing a linked list, or deleting nodes from the linked list, which involves algorithm and data structures that are quite common.
  • Similarly, finding duplicates in an array, finding missing numbers, sorting arrays are very popular. You can also expect questions from the stack, queue, array, linked list, tree, graph, and hash table are most common in any data structure interview. In this tutorial, we will see a couple of data structure questions answers from these topics. Let us know if you have any interesting questions from data structures and algorithms, which you faced during any Java interviews. By the way, you also need some understanding of the basic data structure before solving these questions.
  • There is no point in attempting these questions if you don't know how to access elements from an array or linked list or can't even code them using the programming language of your choice. In such cases, it's better to revise fundamentals by joining a comprehensive online course like Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java. This way you can get the best of both the world, you will learn data structure and algorithms and also prepare for the interview. It includes some coding questions as well, which gel with data structures.
  • Question 1: How to find middle element of linked list in one pass? One of the most popular questions from data structures and algorithms mostly asked on a telephonic interview. Since many programmers know that, in order to find the length of a linked list we need to first traverse through the linked list till we find the last node, which is pointing to null, and then in second pass we can find a middle element by traversing only half of length. They get confused when the interviewer asks him to do the same job in one pass i. In order to find middle element of linked list in one pass, you need to maintain two-pointer, one increment at each node while other increments after two nodes at a time, by having this arrangement, when the first pointer reaches the end, the second pointer will point to a middle element of the linked list.
  • See this trick to find middle element of linked list in a single pass for more details. Question 2: How to find if a linked list has a loop? This question has a bit of similarity with the earlier algorithm and data structure interview question. I mean we can use two pointer approach to solve this problem. If we maintain two pointers, and we increment one pointer after processing two nodes and other after processing every node, we are likely to find a situation where both the pointers will be pointing to the same node. This will only happen if a linked list has a loop or cycle. You can check my article linked list with cycles for more details. Question 3: How to find the third element from the end in a linked list in one pass? This is another frequently asked linked list interview question. This question is exactly similar to find middle element of linked list in a single pass. If we apply the same trick of maintaining two-pointers and increment another pointer, when first has moved up to the 3rd element, then when the first pointer reaches the end of the linked list, the second pointer will be pointing to the 3rd element from last in a linked list.
  • Sometimes, interviewers can also generalize this problem and ask him to find the kth element from the tail, end, or last. Just use the same logic, replace 3 with k and you can solve the problem. If you want to learn more about the linked list, you can also check out Algorithms and Data Structures - Part 1 and 2 courses on Pluralsight. I have one and I also suggest all developers have that plan because Pluralsight is like NetFlix for Software developers. Btw, it also offers a day free trial without any obligation which allows you to watch hours of content. You can watch this course for free by signing for that trial. Question 4: In an integer array, there is 1 to number, out of one is duplicate, how to find? This is a rather simple data structure question, especially for this kind of. Now just subtract actual sum to expected sum, and that is your duplicate number. By the way, this trick will not work if an array has multiple duplicates, or it's not numbered forming an arithmetic progression.

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